Fullscreen slideshow with 4 images

Meerke Laimi Thomasson Vekterli, "Forestillingen II", 2020
Analogue photograph developed with impressions of paper clippings that create patterns in the print
22 x 28 cm

Meerke Laimi Thomasson Vekterli, "Ly mot tankevind og gråtevær", 2021
Reindeer skin, cut, stretched and placed on a metal thread shape, formed using water
Approximately 120 x 50 x 60 cm

Meerke Laimi Thomasson Vekterli, "April 2020", 2020
Linocut combined with paper cutting
15 x 20 cm

Meerke Laimi Thomasson Vekterli, "Vandringsleder 3", 2021
Xerox print
Drawings of veins
Ink on tracing paper in several layers
29 x 42 cm